Final Project: Immigration

Saturday, January 30, 2010

anti-immigration movenment

It is clear that immigration has been a "hot" topic ever since the end of the Civil War. When they Civil War ended many people from Southern and East Central Europe began to immigrate to America. The citizens of the United States wanted the immigrants to be people who were just like them. They banned many groups of people from immigrating to America, just because they did not fit the Anglo-Saxon image. Some of those groups were non-Europeans, polygamists, and anarchists. I think that the people were able to continue to shape their society they way they wanted because of the the success they had with the Africans. The citizens were able to force the Africans into slavery, so why would they not be able to deny admittance to their Country. When studying history I have only learned about the racism that many people had against the Blacks, but this article is saying that they were racist towards anyone who was not like them. Just like they had done with the African Americans they created reasons that explained their actions. The article said, "Denial that immigrants could be assimilated, that they could participate in or even comprehend democracy, or that they would be loyal was the justification for the movement." They were trying to make the foreigners sound like the people who do not understand America, but it is them who does not understand. The whole part of being an American means that you have freedom. Most immigrants come in search of that, however the Americans felt that they would not be able to understand the freedom in America.

I think it is the diversity in America that makes our Country so great. We are all people and there is no reason that a person cannot comprehend what a democracy means. All people should have to opportunity to become an American if they want to, as long as the follow the proper process. Then end of the article discusses how some people want there to be more immigration reforms. I feel that people should not be able to just come and live in America, but if they are trying to improve their situation then there should be more effective ways of making people citizens. I just do not want America to become over populated because that would be bad for everyone. That is why there needs to be regulations. People should not be just shut out, but they can not just do what they please. I do not see the problems with immigration ever ending, however one thing I know for sure is that people should not be banned from America based on what Country they are from or what color their skin is.

"anti-immigration movement." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2010.

1 comment:

  1. When I read similar articles, I felt the same way about anti-immigration. It seems like in America, anyone who they see as a little different is discriminated against and not really wanted in this country. Also, not only is overpopulation a concern about immigration, many Americans also worried about losing their culture and the workforce because immigrants accepted lower wages and worse conditions/ hours which left less jobs for trained and skilled American workers.
