Final Project: Immigration

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Current Events Analytical

Many of the same issues with immigration that were in the past still exist today; the American people are still pushing for reform. Within the last few years there have been many reasons to enforce tighter restrictions on immigration. There have also been instances where it seems as though maybe there are certain people that America should open its border for. Two of the main reasons that the citizens want more reforms are due to the high rates of illegal immigration and the terrorist threats. America is a Country that was formed by immigrants, but it is becoming harder to know if an immigrant could actually be a terrorist. "Patterson's mayor notes: "We have 72 identifiable nationalities here, 170,000 people in eight square miles. With a lot of different folks moving in and out of the city, unless you raise a ruckus, you could live here for a while without anyone noticing."' For many it is a scary thing and they feel the best way to protect ourselves is to have tighter boarders. Though for many this is a legitimate fear, many people believe that the reason so many people want stricter reforms is for racist reasons. There are people who are so against immigrants that they want to prevent them from being able to obtain their drivers license.This is just one of the methods groups like FAIR (a group against immigrtaion)use to fight against immigration. There are many people who worry that their jobs will be taken by the immigrants; however the illegal immigrants are the ones who are willing to work for less. Some even believe that the immigratns help boost the economy. There are many people who want to protect themselves and the best way they feel to do that is reform.

It is not just the people of America who treat the immigrants poorly, the government does as well. There have been various laws passed that pose a threat to all immigrants, even ones who have done nothing wrong. There have been many cases of people being separated from their families and could possibly be deported for no reason at all. People have escaped poverty and oppression to come to America, yet all they find are people who deny them their rights. The citizens of the United States want immigration reform, but at this rate they are hurting those who are already here more.

There are many people pushing for immigration reform, however in the process they could be hurting national security. "Ground truth comes from all sources, and often from immigrant communities. If communication shuts down because immigrants are afraid to approach local law enforcement for fear of being deported, then we lose important information and we jeopardize the security of our nation." There are so many immigrants living in such close quarters, because they are not welcome anywhere else. Due to this they may hear things from others living the area who may pose a threat to national security. However if they feel as though they are not welcome in America, they may not come forward and tell the authorities. If America does what is best for the immigrants, then they will also being doing what is best for themselves. If immigration reforms are passed then, "future immigration will be within the law, instead of underground, so that immigrants are less likely to be exploited, less likely to harm American wages and jobs, and are more likely to pay taxes." The American citizens will no longer have to worry about things like that if they help keep immigration going. They have to be able to think of the big picture, not just what they want. America needs to realize that immigrants are needed, both for our security and to help our economy.

In recent weeks there has been an earthquake in Haiti, many people feel that we should allow mass immigration from Haiti. Yet that may not be what is best for the Uniteed States or Haiti. The people need to stay to help rebuild, if they leave there will be no one there in the future. Also America cannot just open its doors for one group of people; there are others who are just as desperate to get to America. There is an issue of only allowing qualified people into America, but many question what makes the Haitians or other peopole more qualified than anyone else. "Should those entrants include people from parts of Haiti untouched by the earthquake? Or only those from earthquake-ravaged areas? Or only those who've lost their homes? Or limbs?" Right now they are the ones in the spot light, but there are so many people who are suffering just as they are. In order for the Untied States to do what is right for everyone, people feel there needs to be immigration reforms .Or the chaos that people see will continue.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good. You got a lot of information here, but not as much textual evidence. Try to support your statements with more textual facts. It will come together nicely because you have a lot of examples.
