I feel that in the case of the Gentleman’s Agreement both the Japanese and the American governments were overstepping their boundaries. They should not have the power of preventing people from living where they wish to live. Both the governments agreed that this was what was best, but did they even ask the people. The only people who could emigrate to the United States were those who, “seek to resume a formerly acquired domicile, to join a parent, wife, or children residing there, or to assume active control of an already possessed interest in a farming enterprise in this country, so that the three classes of laborers entitled to receive passports have come to be designated former residents, parents, wives, or children of residents, and settled agriculturists.” The only thing that the people in power did right was allow for families to be united, other than that the agreement limited the freedom of the people. In the past America has not been very accepting of various groups of immigrants, but by the Japanese having the power in this situation, they did not look bad. The Japanese were the ones in control because they were the ones who issue the passports. What I find most surprising is that is the United States is based on the ideals of freedom and equality, but they are not willing to give that to other people. The Japanese attempting to immigrate most likely have good reason, but they cannot take action and move. The governments had forced them to stay where they were, instead the governments should let the people do as they wished.I think that immigration should not totally stop, but it should be regulated. If immigration is not regulated than the governments, then a country of very unhappy citizens will be formed.
"Theodore Roosevelt: Gentleman's Agreement (1907)." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 1 Feb. 2010.
When it comes to immigration, there are a lot of things the US needs to worry about. For starters, there is security and overpopulation. Immigration needs to be heavily regulated in our country, and although it may be upsetting for a number of individuals, we have to think about our country as a whole. I am still kind of confused about this Agreement, and if there was more direct info on it, i think I would be able to place additional comments.