Final Project: Immigration

Monday, February 22, 2010

Kimmy's Thoughts

The role of women in American society has always been an interest to me, and Kimmy's blog was able to continue that interest. Kimmy put this topic in a light that I had never thought about before. Within the next 10 years I will be joining the workforce and I never thought that I would have to deal with discrimination in this day and age. I always used to think that things in the work force had evened out between the men and the women. However this presentation demonstrated that this is not the case. There are many instances in which women get lesser pay or they do not get promoted just because of their gender. I find this to be appalling that even in todays society people cannot find a way to leave the racism of the past in the past. I feel though that the Obama administration is doing a good job at trying to make things better for women. Recently Obama passed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act. This act helps to ensure that women are receiving equal pay as men. I believe that this is taking a step in the right direction, in an effort to make things more equal for women in the workplace. I also feel that these new laws are extremely important to todays current economy. Due to the bad economic times, many women have had to leave there roles as stay at home moms and join the work force. This has great importance because as time progresses more and more women will be searching for jobs and they should have just as good of a chance as the men do.

This presentation has helped me to see why there is such discrimination between men in the women in the workplace. Kimmy began her presentation with an image of a housewife turning into a business woman. This is where I see the problem, it is the images that people have in their minds of what a woman is suppose to be like. For many she is suppose to stay at home with her children, but in modern times that is not always what is best for the families. As society progresses, the minds of the people need to do change. The government can pass all the laws they want, but its the people who need to be able to change. As shown by the video clip from Houston, there have been other acts proposed in the past, but they were not able to go through. It was because not enough of the States agreed to pass them. It cannot be just one group of people willing to end the discrimination, it has to be everyone. Laws may exist, however that does not mean that people will not stop breaking them.

I think that the actions that the American woman took to gain their equality is what it means to be an American. I agree with the statement Kimmy made that an American fights for what they believe. It seems to be in most of the instances where there has been injustice in the United States, the oppressed or unequal people have been able to fight for what is right. They accomplish this by uniting. Unity is what America is founded upon and that is what the woman were able to do. I feel that that the woman will have to keep on fighting to make sure that their equality is maintained, but hopefully they will just be accepted.

Jill's Blog

As I have been reading Jill’s blog, I have seen that music is not just something that some can express themselves, but it also can bring a people together. For instance in the most recent weeks there has been the devastating earthquake in Haiti. One of the ways that people have been trying to raise awareness and earn money was by remaking Michael Jackson’s song We Are the World. Personally I love this song and I find it to extremely cool that they are able to use this for more than just enjoyment. This song is able to bring people together and do something for people, even if they are not from our Country. As Jill states in her blog this song represents unity, it shows that we are people willing to help each other in times of need.

Music has also been used as a way to break racial barriers and differences among groups of people. At the Grammy’s various artist of a variety of genera’s were able to come together and do a tribute song to Michael Jackson. Each artist was different in their personal background and even music style, but they were able to put on one amazing show. Their differences are what made the song great, it also made it possible for all different people to enjoy the tribute.
The presentation talks about Sonny Blues, whose music career allowed him to break away from the racial boundaries that society put up. What I think is most interesting was that he saw that music was a way to break those boundaries. I think that one of the ways that society could move past all the racism is music. If everyone liked the same music then they would have something in common. That then could lead to other things in common, which could help break the barriers. Another thing that music can do is force a society to face its issues. One way that is America has had to is the creation of gangsta rap. As the blog says, once can look at all the negative thing s the raps refers to. Or one could see the under lying issues in society that the music is attempting to put in the spotlight.

Music can be used as a method to affect people and make a difference, but it all depends on what a person is trying to promote. Many worry about the gangster ways that rap talks about affecting the children of America. It could lead people to supporting the wrong things: such as violence and money. Those things are not what life is all about, all music including rap can be much more than that. Music is a form of expression like an opinion, no person should take it for fact or they way they should live their lives. Music can be used for many things, but what I believe is most important is the fact that it can bring people together. In times of need or in times of joy people can relate to each other with music, and that is timeless.

Britt's Blog

While reading Britt’s Blog I realized that much of the things her topic was dealing with were similar to the issues that I was exploring in my own blog. This blog’s focus is on bilingual education and how it is important for both the Hispanic immigrants, as well as for the Americans. In my blog I focused on immigrant racism and this focuses on one specific immigrant group and what they have to deal with when living in this Country. It helps to identify the challenges that many immigrants face when they do not know English. In the short story I read the woman did not know the language and it was extremely clear that it was preventing her from the being able to succeed in the United States. “The workers were under the impression that they would be making more money than they were in Mexico, so they came with their families for the chance of a better life. However, the bracero contracts were in English, and the workers signed them without fully understanding their rights and the conditions of their employment.” When I think of what an immigrant expects when coming to America, this is the idea that I think of: that they will be able to have a better life. However as I have done my research and read this presentation I have come to the conclusion that those dreams do not translate to actual life. One just cannot move to the United States and think that things will automatically be better for them. Not knowing the language of the new place can make it very difficult to succeed. One other idea that I thought about in my own blog was that once a person is accepted into America then they should also be accepted into the society as well. This blog shows that to gain this acceptance the Hispanics used the court system to get what they desired. The children of immigrants were not doing well in school or being treated equally, just because they did not know English. The judge’s ruling made it so these children would be able to receive a better education, one where they would be able to learn the language.

Something that surprised me was the fact that there are schools for American children to come and be immersed in another language and culture. Brittany was using a video to try and prove that a bilingual education is not just beneficial for immigrants, but for Americans as well. Bilingual education works to improve: “verbal and linguistic abilities reasoning concept formation, the ability to analyze and talk about language, and control language processing.” All of these things are useful for any human being to survive in this diverse world. I am glad that these kinds of schools exist because it demonstrates that Americans are willing to accept the immigrants and their culture. When I was researching mostly saw the opposite, people always trying to make things harder for immigrants.

This blog helped to reinforce my beliefs about how the United States needs to do what is best for its entire people. To help the Hispanics be able to prosper in America, we need to help them to learn our language. By helping them we will also be helping ourselves in the long run. If they now English they can do better, which will help the economy. It will also help the United States to stay a diverse country, or the melting pot as it is commonly referred as.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


"Anti-immigration movement." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2010.

Francis, Samuel. "Immigration Must Be Restricted to Protect America Against Terrorists." Opposing Viewpoints: National Security. Ed. Helen Cothran. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 7 Feb. 2010 .

"Help Haitians, but don't throw open U.S. borders.(NEWS)(Editorial)." USA Today. (Jan 29, 2010): 07A. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 8 Feb. 2010 .

"Immigration." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2010.

"Immigration and Naturalization Service." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2010.

Paul, William G. "Immigration Laws Do Not Treat Immigrants Fairly." Current Controversies: Immigration. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 7 Feb. 2010 .

Schepers, Emile. "Opposition to Illegal Immigration Is Based on Racism." Opposing Viewpoints: Illegal Immigration. Ed. Margaret Haerens. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 5 Feb. 2010 .

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. "Immigration Legislation Should Not Punish All Illegal Immigrants." Contemporary Issues Companion: Illegal Immigration. Ed. Paul Hina. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 8 Feb. 2010 .

"SS St. Louis journey." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2010.

"Theodore Roosevelt: Gentleman's Agreement (1907)." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 1 Feb. 2010.

Yezierska, Anzia. "America and I." "The Oxford book of Jewish stories." Ed Ilan Stavans.New York:Oxford University Press, Inc,1998.68-77 Print.

VIDEO (Ellis Island, The Statue of Liberty Part 1) (FAIR)


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Current Events Analytical

Many of the same issues with immigration that were in the past still exist today; the American people are still pushing for reform. Within the last few years there have been many reasons to enforce tighter restrictions on immigration. There have also been instances where it seems as though maybe there are certain people that America should open its border for. Two of the main reasons that the citizens want more reforms are due to the high rates of illegal immigration and the terrorist threats. America is a Country that was formed by immigrants, but it is becoming harder to know if an immigrant could actually be a terrorist. "Patterson's mayor notes: "We have 72 identifiable nationalities here, 170,000 people in eight square miles. With a lot of different folks moving in and out of the city, unless you raise a ruckus, you could live here for a while without anyone noticing."' For many it is a scary thing and they feel the best way to protect ourselves is to have tighter boarders. Though for many this is a legitimate fear, many people believe that the reason so many people want stricter reforms is for racist reasons. There are people who are so against immigrants that they want to prevent them from being able to obtain their drivers license.This is just one of the methods groups like FAIR (a group against immigrtaion)use to fight against immigration. There are many people who worry that their jobs will be taken by the immigrants; however the illegal immigrants are the ones who are willing to work for less. Some even believe that the immigratns help boost the economy. There are many people who want to protect themselves and the best way they feel to do that is reform.

It is not just the people of America who treat the immigrants poorly, the government does as well. There have been various laws passed that pose a threat to all immigrants, even ones who have done nothing wrong. There have been many cases of people being separated from their families and could possibly be deported for no reason at all. People have escaped poverty and oppression to come to America, yet all they find are people who deny them their rights. The citizens of the United States want immigration reform, but at this rate they are hurting those who are already here more.

There are many people pushing for immigration reform, however in the process they could be hurting national security. "Ground truth comes from all sources, and often from immigrant communities. If communication shuts down because immigrants are afraid to approach local law enforcement for fear of being deported, then we lose important information and we jeopardize the security of our nation." There are so many immigrants living in such close quarters, because they are not welcome anywhere else. Due to this they may hear things from others living the area who may pose a threat to national security. However if they feel as though they are not welcome in America, they may not come forward and tell the authorities. If America does what is best for the immigrants, then they will also being doing what is best for themselves. If immigration reforms are passed then, "future immigration will be within the law, instead of underground, so that immigrants are less likely to be exploited, less likely to harm American wages and jobs, and are more likely to pay taxes." The American citizens will no longer have to worry about things like that if they help keep immigration going. They have to be able to think of the big picture, not just what they want. America needs to realize that immigrants are needed, both for our security and to help our economy.

In recent weeks there has been an earthquake in Haiti, many people feel that we should allow mass immigration from Haiti. Yet that may not be what is best for the Uniteed States or Haiti. The people need to stay to help rebuild, if they leave there will be no one there in the future. Also America cannot just open its doors for one group of people; there are others who are just as desperate to get to America. There is an issue of only allowing qualified people into America, but many question what makes the Haitians or other peopole more qualified than anyone else. "Should those entrants include people from parts of Haiti untouched by the earthquake? Or only those from earthquake-ravaged areas? Or only those who've lost their homes? Or limbs?" Right now they are the ones in the spot light, but there are so many people who are suffering just as they are. In order for the Untied States to do what is right for everyone, people feel there needs to be immigration reforms .Or the chaos that people see will continue.

Literature Analytical

The short story “America and I” tells what happened to Anzia Yezierska when she immigrated to America. Anzia had come to America filled with hopes and dreams, but almost right away they were dashed. She had been told she would be able to do what she wanted,“In the golden land of flowing opportunity I was to find my work that was denied me in the sterile village of my forefathers.”(69). Once she arrived in America she took a job working at the house of former immigrants. For a month she did everything she was asked of, but when it was time to get paid her bosses refused. They said that it was enough that they fed her and gave her a place to live. Anzia assumed it would be easy for her once she got to America, but immediately she was faced with the challenge of people taking advantage of her. One of the reasons she was not able to ensure that she would get paid was because of the fact that she could not speak English. In order to survive in America an immigrant needs to be able to speak the language. It will help them in both the work place and being able to assimilate into the culture. Not being able to speak English makes the difference between the immigrants and everyone else more obvious. The American people do not want different, so it would be to the immigrants benefit to learn English. By Anzia not being able to speak English various employers were able to take advantage of her. The employers see that the immigrants are easy prey and will do almost anything to make money, so they make them work extremely hard for little compensation. At Anzia’s third job they began to teach her English, yet she did not understand why people did not just speak the language of their birth place. One of the main ways to become and an American is to be able to speak English; it would help her to reach the dreams that she once had. As time went on Anzia had to find a way to survive in America and in order to that she had to “Americanize.” In order for her to feel welcomed she has to find a way to fit in more to the culture, but try not to lose herself in the process. Most immigrants come to America like Anzia Yezierska, filled with desire, but it is much harder once they actually arrive. In the end Anzia realized, “America is no Utopia. First you must become efficient in earning a living before you can indulge in your poetic dreams.”(75). As demonstrated by the trials Anzia had to face, it is not easy to be accepted into the American society. To be accepted and to succeed the immigrants need to be able to adjust to the new culture.The culture in America is pretty set, and before a person can add their ideas to it, they must become part of it.

Background Analytical

America was founded as a Country of immigrants, but now that tradition and the culture have been defined, the citizens are not as welcoming. There is a continuous flow of immigration to America, and though they are accepted by the government they are not accepted into the culture right away. Many people decide to emigrate from their homelands are searching for a better life, the one that they believe the Americans have. Even though they have this desire there have been many instances in which they cannot be fulfilled. America has a government that is based on the people and the people felt there needed to be immigrant quotas. Due to those quotas it was harder for people to come to America and start a new life. In the case of the SS St. Louis the Jews who were attempting to flee Europe right before World War II and after being turned away from Cuba arrived in the United States. However upon arrival they were forced to go back to Europe. The reason they were not admitted was that, “President Franklin D. Roosevelt said that the United States could not accept any more European refugees because of immigration quotas.” The immigrant quotas were not the only way that the United States was able to keep people out. President Theodore Roosevelt made a deal with Japan called the “Gentleman's Agreement.” In this document Japan and the United States agreed that Japanese immigration would be limited. The only people who could come were those with family already in the States. This way Japan was able to keep their workers and build their army and America did not have to deal with new immigrants. Both of these cases demonstrated the issues that America had with immigration. In each instance there were people who wanted to come to America; however the people in America decided that they did not want anyone else coming.

One of the main reasons that the people wanted to put a halt on immigration was because they wanted to be able to maintain the Anglo- Saxon image. The people of America did not think that the immigrants would be able to assimilate into the society, "Denial that immigrants could be assimilated, that they could participate in or even comprehend democracy, or that they would be loyal was the justification for the movement." The people of America felt that they had the right not to allow people to immigrate; not realizing that they were talking away these peoples freedoms. America is based on freedom and liberty, but they want that for themselves and have trouble giving it to others.

There are other reasons that have caused people to want immigration reforms; the main one is the spike in illegal immigration. Due to the immigrant quotas many people have been taking the process of immigration into their own hands. There is a great deal of Americans who are against the aliens living in America and want them out. Along with getting them out they want stricter immigration reforms. There is a lot of chaos that goes along with immigration and with the chaos things have gone unnoticed. The terrorists of 9/11 were able to immigrate to America for a short time before the attack. This has increased the fear that the Americans have about immigration. This event reforced the fears people have about immigration, which has led the government to exclude various categories of people from being able to immigrate to America. The United States is looking for a certain kind of person that can easily fit into the culture and the job market. As a result of the certain image the America wants there has been great prejudice amongst various immigrant groups. The main groups that were targeted in the past were, “Irish, Germans, Italians, Swedes, Finns, and Poles.” They had to deal with persecution and poor living conditions. The United States has progressed immensely since it was established in 1776, and because of that they are beginning to shut themselves off from immigration. The culture in America has been set and immigration is just adding to the chaos. For many people it easier to just put more limits on immigration, and the government agrees. The reforms for immigration are continuing to be implemented. The harshness of immigration can be seen by both the process and the way that immigrants are being treated once they get to America.For right now this is how things are going to stay, and people are okay with that.