Final Project: Immigration

Monday, February 8, 2010

"Help Haitians, but don't throw open U.S. borders"

In the recent weeks I have been watching a lot of the news coverage that has been aired about Haiti and I have seen the great destruction they are faced with. However I agree with this article that allowing a vast amount of the Haitians to immigrate to the United States is not the right decision. One of the things this article talks about is how it would not be fair to the other people who are already on the immigration waiting list. This is a true disaster,yet that does not mean that they should all up and move from Haiti. One of the important things to think about is what will happen to Haiti in the future. If many of the Haitians choose to up and move then how will they ever be able to rebuild. I feel that America is doing to the right thing by sending aide, but the doors to America should not just fling open. They should try to make things better for their own Country before they decide to leave it. This is one of the ways the United States has handled immigration correctly. I like the idea that people who already have family living here can come, but that does not mean that everyone should come. It would raise a lot of questions such as, "Should those entrants include people from parts of Haiti untouched by the earthquake? Or only those from earthquake-ravaged areas? Or only those who've lost their homes? Or limbs?" Many people feel that in order to immigrate to America the person has to be qualified. In this kind of disaster how does the government decide who is qualified.

The article also mentions that there are other extremely poor Countries that have long waiting lists, but they are not being admitted. They have to suffer through many problems as well, like in Bangladesh there are monsoons, but that does not give them an immediate entrance. There are some instances in which people should stay where they are and this is one of them. If the Haitians love the Country of their ancestors then they should be willing to fight through this difficult time and help create a better tomorrow.Immigration is not always the best answer and people need to realize this.

"Help Haitians, but don't throw open U.S. borders.(NEWS)(Editorial)." USA Today. (Jan 29, 2010): 07A. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 8 Feb. 2010 .

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