Final Project: Immigration

Monday, February 22, 2010

Jill's Blog

As I have been reading Jill’s blog, I have seen that music is not just something that some can express themselves, but it also can bring a people together. For instance in the most recent weeks there has been the devastating earthquake in Haiti. One of the ways that people have been trying to raise awareness and earn money was by remaking Michael Jackson’s song We Are the World. Personally I love this song and I find it to extremely cool that they are able to use this for more than just enjoyment. This song is able to bring people together and do something for people, even if they are not from our Country. As Jill states in her blog this song represents unity, it shows that we are people willing to help each other in times of need.

Music has also been used as a way to break racial barriers and differences among groups of people. At the Grammy’s various artist of a variety of genera’s were able to come together and do a tribute song to Michael Jackson. Each artist was different in their personal background and even music style, but they were able to put on one amazing show. Their differences are what made the song great, it also made it possible for all different people to enjoy the tribute.
The presentation talks about Sonny Blues, whose music career allowed him to break away from the racial boundaries that society put up. What I think is most interesting was that he saw that music was a way to break those boundaries. I think that one of the ways that society could move past all the racism is music. If everyone liked the same music then they would have something in common. That then could lead to other things in common, which could help break the barriers. Another thing that music can do is force a society to face its issues. One way that is America has had to is the creation of gangsta rap. As the blog says, once can look at all the negative thing s the raps refers to. Or one could see the under lying issues in society that the music is attempting to put in the spotlight.

Music can be used as a method to affect people and make a difference, but it all depends on what a person is trying to promote. Many worry about the gangster ways that rap talks about affecting the children of America. It could lead people to supporting the wrong things: such as violence and money. Those things are not what life is all about, all music including rap can be much more than that. Music is a form of expression like an opinion, no person should take it for fact or they way they should live their lives. Music can be used for many things, but what I believe is most important is the fact that it can bring people together. In times of need or in times of joy people can relate to each other with music, and that is timeless.

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